Wednesday 18 September 2013

All the boys and girls

We think we cracked the paid apps problem - thanks to a student ;-) And we are now using them in sessions

Using the iPads in a session
We are also starting to get some great suggestions from students to applications and also for ways to use the device. A couple of my favourites so far include:

  1. Facetime conversations with mentors in the university if there is an issue in school that they want to talk about - negating the possible need for the mentor to travel to the placement school
  2. Capturing lesson parts (e.g. starters) via video so that these can be shared with the mentor and rehearsed with fellow students
We also had about 120 students using the support website in a session yesterday and most people were pretty happy with the access speed so it looks like the new wireless might be holding up pretty well. Almost everybody is now able to access the system - teething troubles over? Or is that speaking too soon!

After the session we all went out to pose with our new devices ...

Me and my iPad x 125!

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