The modern language students have been using their iPads to video small examples of practice (e.g. lesson starters) and then take these into school to share with their school mentors.
The ML tutors has done this in years past but the process
had been:

Video a student using a video camera >> transfer this video (and edit it) onto a laptop / desktop PC (needing to access video editing software and the appropriate cables to do this) >> then transfer this video either into a piece of online space or onto a memory stick >> transport the memory stick into school >> find a computer in school where the clip could be played (and hope that there was some compatibility between the university video and the school computer (and that the school computer had a suitable video and sound card built in as well as speakers).
Now the process was:
Video using the iPad >> edit on the Pad >> Take the Pad to school >> Show to mentor.
So the basic methodology has not changed, the intention has not changed, the pedagogic purpose has not changed but the ability and opportunity has become considerably easier which means that it has now happened for all students in a simple and easy way and has convinced the students that this is a worthwhile and useful experience.
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